I write poems,mainly for the joy of my own.If they can also entertain others,that would be mostly exciting. Poems I write,are in English.Though I am a Chinese and not a native English speaker. I love Poem and English,as well as classical music and book reading.


Poor old lady

This morning I walked by a poor old lady dressed in filthy clothes sitting by the corner. People were just walking by heedlessly. A feeling of sympathy and sentiment came into my heart.

The poor old lady
Sitting there all the day
Filthy dirty dressing on
Stinky smell surrounding air

Heedless people walking by
Slimy dog threatens vile
No body of you cares
Poor old lady dies

What is it that you
Write on the ground
Careless of all around
Is it what you ponder

People frown you upon
Parry you carefully from
Once happily born
Loveless living torn

Poor little lady
By the corner sit
Is it all your fault
Or so cruel the world



Together, plain as it seemed to others
When you casually spoke out.
And neither of us dare imagine,
Inside our heart grows love.

Together, zeal were aroused,
In kissing to and fro between.
I uttered your shining eyes I love,
You said you love being with me.